• Payroll
  • Remittance to government agencie
  • Configuring pay code taxability per employee, whether they are single or married, names of dependents (parents, brothers, or sisters up to 21 years old, children)
  • Maintaining a tax table (withholding tax table uploaded from BIR)
  • Determining contributions to SSS, PhilHEALTH and Home Development and Mutual Fund (HDMF)
  • Our clients simply provide the time sheet details of the employees, stating the number of man-hours worked, overtime hours, tardiness, and absences.
  • Preparation of payroll register showing individual salaries due to each employee with the corresponding payroll taxes withheld and deductions for SSS, PhilHEALTH, and HDMF for each period
  • Preparation of a bank transmittal report stating the name of the employees and their corresponding net pay and the employee’s individual bank account number where the payroll amount shall be credited
  • Our certified payroll professional uses online payroll software to process and compute the payroll.

  • Social Security System
    • Monthly remittance using R5 form
    • Monthly report showing names of employees & individual contributions using R3 file generator
    • SSS certificate of remittances per employee for loan purpose, (i.e., salary loan, housing loan)
  • PhilHEALTH Insurance
    • Monthly posting of payments using Electronic Premium Reporting System (EPRS)
    • PhilHEALTH certificate of remittances per employee for hospitalization benefit
  • Home Development Mutual Fund (PAG-IBIG Fund)
    • Monthly report
    • HDMF certificate of remittances per employee for loan purposes, salary loan, housing loan
  • Bureau of Internal Revenue
    • Monthly tax withheld remittance BIR # 1601C
    • Alphabetical listing (Alphalist BIR #1604CF) at year end for resigned and non-resigned employees. This includes total salaries received per employee, total tax due, withheld, and remitted to the Bureau of Internal Revenue
    • Preparation of BIR form #2316 for individual employees as proof of income tax payment of the individual. Form 2316 contains details in the Alphalist per employee
  • Employee details and a copy of the Contract of Employment for each employee
  • Form 2316 of previous employer
  • In case of termination/separation, the Company should inform us at least 30 days before effectivity for our computation of the last pay.
  • The Company should inform us of the updates of their employee’s status